Fashion inspiration: How to find the right color coordinate?
Friday, July 06, 2018
Hello, its finally July and we're half way through 2018. Time surely flies ! let's start the month with a new fashion and style post. It most probably has been a while since my last style or fashion post. However to keep up with my daily style or look keep yourself updated through my Instagram. Today I'll discuss on an issue that usually confuses us in our day to day styling session is: how to find the right color coordinate? Before we start let make one thing straight is I'm not a professional and what I'm about to share is based on my experience mix matching clothes all these years. I've been in styling and personal styling for quite sometimes now, or to be exact it might have started even back in my childhood where I started styling all my Barbie dolls. Learnt and gained better knowledge and insight mostly from movies, magazines or even retail display has helped me to find my own personal unique style which I like. When it comes to styling its just like arts where one can't defy another by saying its right or wrong because in fashion and style everyone has their own perspective of style which describe their own characteristic thus we can't force anyone to only like a particular style and say that the other style is ugly or wrong.
In this post I'll be sharing some idea of color coordinating to make sure your outfit will look whole without looking excessive or too plain. Colors can really change the whole mood of a look and those who love simple might opt for minimalist monochrome like grey, white and black and mixing them, you'll never get wrong to look poise, classic and neat. However for myself I like more colors and I always like to mix and match different color palette into a whole look to give it more dimension and to avoid my outfit looking plain and boring with the same color palette from top to bottom.

How to find the right color coordinate?
The answer is none! you are free to experiment with all the colors and find if each shade compliment or substitute another. You'll definitely get the hang of it once you've began to style regularly. Even so investing in basic colors will save you a lot of time to mix and match and coordinate your look. This is because basic and neutral colors easily tie down the color palette and can easily compliment compared to bold vivid colors.
Here's one of my recent styling, where I combined a not so usual color combination to make it look more bright. The element in this outfit is mostly dominated by mustard color which is warm and more of a autumn feel which matched both the top and pouch. I combine this look with a neutral grayish tone for the bottom to tie up the color while popping in a bright sky blue cap to lighten and brighten up the whole look. Leaving the outfit in grey - mustard color can make the whole mood looks warm, mature and moody but adding in the pop of sky blue does make the whole outfit look feel different. I chose a fluffy fur sandal in black because its more laid back and comfy to go with my outfit since I wanted to dress down and opt for a casual lady back look. Do you think I succeed in creating the look? If you look closer the design on the pouch actually has a little hint of blue which compliment with the cap.
#steviewears #deets:
- top: @uniqloindonesia
- bottom: @getmarv
- cap: @hwma.hat
- pouch: @starbucksindonesia x @ikat_ind #starbucksxikatindonesia
- sandal: @eveseitch_id
- top: @uniqloindonesia
- bottom: @getmarv
- cap: @hwma.hat
- pouch: @starbucksindonesia x @ikat_ind #starbucksxikatindonesia
- sandal: @eveseitch_id
Below are some of the color palette ideas which I took from Pinterest as an inspiration to answer our day to day styling dilemma in terms of color matching.
Guess that's all for this post! I hope you find some useful tips and tricks to color coordinate but remember in styling there's no right or wrong its how the clothes and style make you feel. To make the clothes look appealing one should be able to feel comfortable in the outfit. So the best styling tips is just be who you are!
Love, Stevie
SUPERB! thanks ce useful banget (y) terutama color palette ideas nya which I've never known before, been living under a rock nih xD HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteHello the cutest fashion and beauty blogger in the town ����
ReplyDeleteI luv your style cici,
And enjoyed seeing your ootd on my ig's feed.
Please keep doing this.
I love you��
My name monika.
And ig : monikcmo
Wkwk aduh gtw lagi cci yang satu ini always cantik terusss ❤ apalah daya aku yang cuma remahan rengginang😢😘😍😍 ps. Akun ig aku @michelleagnes21
ReplyDeleteI love this article like sooo much.
ReplyDeleteSharing more about fashion ideas ya cici ❤
Ig: @Nikenrianti
Usefull banget infonya, thx ya cistev. Jadi selalu Liat colour palete kalo mau mix match baju 😂❤😘
ReplyDeleteIg account : mutialfa