[Event]: Afternoon Soiree - Complete Your Day With Complete Skin Care with Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care - Stevie Wong

[Event]: Afternoon Soiree - Complete Your Day With Complete Skin Care with Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care

Friday, May 26, 2017

Hello loves 💓

I hope this post finds you well... To start off I'll share the fun I had during another Afternoon Soiree I had with Sociolla and Mustika Ratu. It's been the second time this month and I'm beyond blessed to be given this opportunity to be able to work this amazing Indonesian Brand that is no longer any secret is one of the top Indonesian cosmetic and skin care brand in Indonesia. So thank you so much Sociolla and Mustika Ratu for having me at this very warm and casual event! 
If you've read mySociolla Soiree with Mustika Ratu post then you'd most probably known that during that event we talked much about their latest lip cream/ cosmetics product and today it's gonna  be more about skin care! For me personally skin care has always been my top priority, because I believe having a good skin is the basic to have a flawless makeup. Just like painting you'd need a smooth and clean canvas to be able to create a beautiful painting. Especially for my case I love natural and minimum makeup therefore having a clean and smooth base is always my top concern, but since I'm not naturally blessed with smooth and trouble free skin I need to rely on finding the best suitable skin care that can help me maintain my skin condition. 

That's why I'm very happy when I know that Mustika Ratu will introduce this new Duo Face Care which is a complete face care to be able to help us maintain and pamper our skin from home. As the event begin they started explaining more in dept regarding the products and its uses. There are two different range of products from this Duo Face Care line: green tea and lemon. The range is complete from face wash, peeling gel to peel off mask, a very effective three steps. 

As usual during our Afternoon Soiree we'll all casually chat and enjoy our meals as the MC continue to lead the event.. I always love events like this since we can really interact with one another and have better understanding regarding the products and get to know the brand even better. 
I'm truly in love with the decoration and the pop of yellow everywhere.. It just made everything looks so fresh and bright.. Super duper boost in energy! 
 As the event starts, we always start off with the opening speech from Sociolla head of Beauty Journal and the GM of Mustika Ratu to mark the start of our event! Continuing we began to gain more insights and in dept regard each products as Ibu Retno explains...
Our head of Beauty Journal kak Mira and Mustika Ratu GM Ibu Retno
It's always fun to meet familiar faces during events and meeting new people are also fun because now I tried to open up more and say more Hi's to people I just met. Instead of staying inside my own shell like what I would usually do years back... This Introvert is breaking her walls and for those who knows her might say she improved a lot lately!! Cheers to more new friendship 😊
Finally met her again:) It was good seeing yaa..
With the super gorgeous and humble Harumi Sudrajat fromwww.mytipscantik.com
Everything served is so yum 
Grilled Chicken 
Creme Brulee
Now comes the product demo part, this whole Duo Face Care by Mustika Ratu focuses on their Face peeling gel and face masks that are meant to rejuvenate and soothe our skin condition. A complete face treatment you can do at home while still getting a clinic kind of complete face treatment. This demo shows us the proper way of using the products and ways to do it. 
The set up for the skin care demo 
First Step
Face Wash, since its a demo set up they quickly wash the face with bottle spray and wipes. This Face Wash  by Mustika Ratu got tiny micro beads that are meant to help exfoliate gently every time you wash your face to keep it clean thoroughly.

Second Step
Face Peeling Gel is to help get rid of dead skin so that our skin can regenerate and indeed brighten up our complexion. It also helps to get rid of dry and patchy skin making our skin feeling smooth. 

Third Step
Peel off Mask, just as the name its a peel off mask that you wait till it dry to peel. This Peel Off Mask comes in a transparent colour that's why you can wear it anywhere.. Completing the whole step you're suppose to get a skin that glows and feel tight! 
Apply a thin layer of the peel off mask all over the face evenly and let it dry.
The Mask is transparent therefore you can actually wear it anywhere e.g.: in the car or outside and you can peel it off once it dries out leaving your skin feeling completely smooth
To peel off it is recommended to start from the bottom part first.
Peeling off mask always gives you that sensation and hype! Quoting what the MC said "this is the most fun part!" hahahaha Can't agree more 😁
Now let me give you a little brief overview on my thoughts regarding the products, from the beginning I have been very eager to try out the lemon version of  this Duo Face Care because lemon has always been my secret weapon to get rid of active acne, it is one of those natural fruits that I like to apply directly on my face. Although it can be acidic and sometimes stink on my face but it's proven effective for me to heal my acne quickly. 
The nutritionist is giving out some tips on how to create our own infuse waters and green tea! Basically in order to have a healthy skin we need to pay close attention to what we consume too...
So now back again to the Mustika Ratu Duo Face Care, Lemon Peeling Gel and Peel Off Mask. I got to try them out right when I got home since I was so excited about it.
Lemon is meant to brighten up the complexion! 
Green Tea is meant to soothe the skin and is more suitable for sensitive skin
How I felt about it?
To be honest my skin condition hasn't calmed down since the last time so I was a bit afraid to put on the lemon because I fear it would irritate my skin but to my surprise it doesn't! The peeling gel helps me get rid of dead skins on my face making it feel smooth and clean. Moving on with the mask it sits in smoothly and doesn't drip like usual mask and it took around 20 mins to completely dry until I can peel it off. Afterwards my felt complete smooth and my complexion also brightens up!! Definitely will try the green tea once too soon.  
P.s. It is recommended if you use one range of products to use the complete series to see effective results. But if you feel yo'll get better results by combining it base on your own skin need you're more then welcome but the brand itself recommend to use the whole range from the same series for better result. E.g. if you decide to use the lemon it is recommended to use all the lemon face wash, peeling gel and peel off mask. 
The whole crew that day! It was a fun Afternoon 😃

This Duo Face Care is also very practical and time efficient especially for young adults like us who're all very busy with our daily life, Mustika Ratu came out with these complete skin care range to meet our needs.  Thank you again Sociolla and Mustika Ratu for having me on board! that's all I'll see you on my next post... Bye 

Love, Stevie 

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