Thursday, March 23, 2017
Hello there, Welcome back to my blog I wish everyone is having a good day ! Here's a little heartfelt post💗
Tick Tock the clock hits 23:23 when I was writing this , I believed everything is well planned by our Great Father in Heaven and nothing is ever by chance it was by His choice. I wanted to take a moment and reflect on my past years and how much things have changed these days ( not for the bad but for the better). These days I've been working extremely hard coping up with everything and trying to hold everything perfectly. I've always been the girl that would give in her 110% even when all she needs is a 100%, she would usually take responsibility seriously and is very strict to herself when it comes to work or tasks cause all her life she's been keeping up with all the rules and that kind of made her feel like others see her as the odd one out as she's a girl that has grown numb of what others think and think it is OK to be different and alone. No, when I say alone doesn't mean lonely because I enjoy my solitude time being my own company. She never wanted to join in the waves or trends just to be part of the hits or trend, she decided to part ways with blending into the society that has always been a jungle of never ending comparison and judgement years ago. She decided to go her way even when other people think her choice isn't cool, cause she doesn't need the recognition of anyone of her style, body or just for being herself.
If you think of it carefully being to similar and blending into the society can be self -poisioning because they'll finally reach the stage where they would experience identity crisis because everyone is so similar. For me being cool or being stylish or being beautiful doesn't only come from what's seen, what's from within matter most to me. Before I would be attracted to physical features but as I grow I look deep into the personality and once I smell something odd or catch a negative vibe I would pull myself out, why? Cause you only live once why mix up with elements or vibes that make you feel uncomfortable and unhappy about yourself.
Since it's birthday let's think happy thoughts 🖤 As some of you might have known already today I'm turning 23 and apparently today is 23 March so I this kind of cool! That's why the title of this post is 23 on 23. Well cause I'll only turn 23rd once and being 23rd on 23 will only happen once in my life time so I consider this something worth sharing about. Never felt like I'm in my twenties when I first hit my 20th birthday. Time flies so quickly and after today I'm only 2 years away from from my quarter century birthday 😔😓😭 Oh-no~
So for those who've been wishing me Happy Birthday and all the good wishes, I can't thank you guys enough not for your wishes but for "YOU", thank you for loving and supporting me unconditionally all these years. I do cherish every new friendships or relationships build over these years, no matter if you're my new friend or an old pal but those years and time don't really matter as long as I know that you guys are sincere friends.
Talking about friendship, over the years I've gained many and loss some too... But I think both friendship and relationship aren't something that can be forced. I always think of it like maybe that particular friendship and relationship no longer help you grow as an individual or it's actually slowly poisoning you. Those kind of relationship need to end the soonest as not everyone are meant to stay, sometime when their role is done they'll leave. Either its the one that bring sweet memories or hurtful lessons but I believe it'll help the better version of you everyday. Living everyday we hurt or get hurt, it's normal even to the people we loved most but I think everyone has the right to be respected, cherished and loved therefore I suggest you to call it a quit to any sort of relationships that no longer respect!
Sometimes their role in your life is done as we all know not everyone is meant to stay. Despite of everything today I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for lessons learned from broken relationships/ friendships. Even though the word broken can seem a little off but yeah, sometimes when things are broken you can't seem to fix them and even if you manage to fix the broken pieces it would never be the same. However some relationships are worth fighting for but some are not, so I guess I've pretty much figured out about this a while ago, when to hit the brake and stop trying. As no one should ever beg for your attention and what truly matter is your own inner peace and happiness, so I made peace with the part of me that are insecure about a lot of things and try to drive out as positive energy as I could to bring more joy to others even when some don't get you.
I'm grateful that lately I could wake up to do things I love and passionate about. Writing and taking pictures has been my favourite since the longest time I can remember and I never thought that my work would be interesting enough for people to read. However all the thoughts that has stopped me from starting years earlier are actually only the smallest bit of reality as God is kind that He sent me people that uplift and guide me through my path. I've always felt nothing was ever possible without God's grace and blessings, I've seen doors that were closed or even doors I never thought was ever there actually existed close by. I can't be happier to spent my last few months being 22 and able to experience a lot of new experiences and gained love and recognition for my hard work. There was a saying that says "anything done with love will always bring fruitful results" these are my daily mantras. It encourages me to work even harder day by day not to disappoint people who supports and cherish me with all their hearts. Not to forget all the brands that I have reached out to me and opportunities that have been knocking at my doors recently. None would ever be the way it is without those you've been with me at my lowest point and encourages me to stand up tall again ! There were times I was less lovable and moody but you stayed around. To those of you guys, you're like my precious treasures I found in this life and walking it together surrounded by you guys is a blessing for me.
This year on my 23rd birthday I wished nothing more than to be able to become a person that will continue to keep her persistence to do things right as she has always done and lead a rightful life. Not for the world to see how great she is but to show the World how wonderful life together with God is and continue to speak & spread love & hope. Be the light and shine the world don't let the lights of the world blind you, but instead be the light for those in darkness and despair. Hoping that more love will come my way and of course the continuous opportunity to meet new friends and become more open cause I know my characteristic can be a little hard to deal with when we just make friends. Although some of my friends told me that nowadays I've improved a lot but that introverted soul still lives in me somewhere. To add on I kind of have an old soul which only my fellow old souls can understand, so grateful that I have them in my life.
Sometimes people said I was lucky... may be its true, but well I choose to proudly say I'm more blessed than lucky. Nothing worth it comes easy so enjoy the process but nothing I've achieved came easy, everything need effort and I hustle hard in times and days that even no one noticed. Yet, I believed there is one who has always been by my side every, He is the Provider and as His grace is immeasurable I put my sorrow, burden, insecurities all in His hand and let Him guide me through with my leap of faith. Never did I know my tiny leap of faith I took 7 months ago could lead to where I am today, I know this is just the beginning and I still got lots of rooms to improve and learn but I'm proud that I could be part of a community that cherish and uplift woman sharing their passion and bringing hope to young talented souls out there. Being the only child I've grown to be very self- disciplined and self-motivated that's why its not a secret that I hustle hard for anything I do, therefore it was never pure luck dear!
Now moving on to the GIVEAWAY ALERT
as many of you have known I've just recently returned from my Charis Beautiful Journey and I would like to share those goodies with you guys, my dearest reader, followers and friends. It wouldn't have happened without your love and support so here it is my major Giveaway! There will be one winner to win a whole Pink box. As for the products I'm still in the process of choosing them so will update you guys soon, but the steps to participate is easy just follow the steps below and you're entered to the giveaway.

1) Follow my Instagram (@Steviiewong) and @Charis_official
2) Subscribe to my Youtube account (https://www.youtube.com/c/StevieWong)
2) Subscribe to my Youtube account (https://www.youtube.com/c/StevieWong)
3) Comment "Your Name", "one of your favourite article on my blog" , Where you are from, tag 3 of your friends and Done on this post and on my Instagram post regarding this giveaway
E.g. ( Stevie, Christmas Thoughts, Jakarta, @One @Two @Three Done)
*If you want to give your reasoning why you like that article the most it would be better :) I'd love to read your thoughts.
E.g. ( Stevie, Christmas Thoughts, Jakarta, @One @Two @Three Done)
*If you want to give your reasoning why you like that article the most it would be better :) I'd love to read your thoughts.
4) Next repost the image about this giveaway on your Instagram and don't forget to tag #23X2303 #Stevie23Giveaway on your caption with 3 emojis 🍀❤🦄that describes you best! .
5) Don't Private your account, Keep your Instagram Account Public so I can keep track of the entries
*P.S. this giveaway is only open on for Indonesian Resident
5) Don't Private your account, Keep your Instagram Account Public so I can keep track of the entries
*P.S. this giveaway is only open on for Indonesian Resident
Then you've successfully entered into the giveaway, I'll announce the winner on my Instagram so make sure you've followed my account and stay tune. If the winner don't confirm within 1x24, another winner will be chosen instead.*
Interested for my whole Korean trip posts, it'll be up very very soon... stay tune~
Love, Stevie
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